Do you ever feel stuck and unmotivated with your profession? This feeling is called “job burnout,” and it’s a very real and normal thing to go through in any career or job—even in jobs within dentistry!
As a dentist or hygienist, there may come a time when you think about the job and immediately feel exhausted or stressed—be it emotionally, physically, or mentally. Job burnout has many causes, but in this article, we’ll focus on offering solutions on how you can change the situation and motivate yourself.
Burnout may not be considered an actual medical diagnosis—but like any other ailment, burnout requires specific action for you to handle it well to keep you pushing forward with your job. Here are some things you can start doing to ease the burden of job burnout.
Embrace little changes

Maybe you’re feeling a bit burnt out because of a little change in your work setup. You may not like the shift in your schedule, your new office, or you simply don’t like the new approach imposed on your work or patient care. Feeling scared or doubtful about these small changes are also the body’s natural way of coping, but a shift in perspective can help you get through it.
When people are placed in an uncomfortable and unfamiliar environment, that’s where growth can begin. Take this opportunity to see new ideas and experience new things. If this does not work for you, another thing you can try is to look for something interesting in your office and learning and growing from that. For example, if marketing is something that fascinates you, then maybe learning about it, even if it is not within your work scope, may help you feel the excitement with your dental job once again.
Make time for hobbies and personal development

If you feel that you’re not growing from your work experience, maybe you can improve the other aspects of your life. Allot time for reading books, listening to podcasts, or watching TED Talks. Apart from learning new ideas and concepts, these media can help you learn more about yourself, set personal direction, and focus. These materials can also positively affect you—through it, you can learn to be more resilient and feel more inspired.
Making time for these activities shouldn’t take too much of your daily schedule. You can set at least 15 minutes per day for this.
As someone working in a medical field, it is part of your duty to yourself and your patients to continue learning and developing—by adapting with the constant change and keeping up with the advancements in the world.
Learn to speak up

Sometimes a lack of control and presence of dysfunctional dynamics in the workplace are some causes of job burnout. When you think you have ideas or opinions that need to be heard, don’t be afraid to sound them off.
Take note, however, that you need to be careful with how you deliver your thoughts. As much as possible, be professional and back up your opinions with facts. Remember that your objective is to make a positive change in your environment and not add up to the negativities.
Once you’ve spoken your side, remember that the decision will still depend on who’s in charge. Now, if your issues involve unethical, illegal, or fraudulent acts, remind yourself that you are a licensed professional—you need to remove yourself from such situations.
Job burnout is part of your work-life. Although it can negatively affect your physical and mental health, it is also one way of evaluating your options and reaching for personal or work compromises and solutions. You can always seek help from co-workers, loved ones, friends, or even professional help.
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