Dental Talent – 4 Tips Dental Nurses Should Know to Land That Dream Job – Our Guide

When your job is in such a specific field, it can be challenging to land a role in it. Dental nurses face this challenge all the time when looking to find a job! After all, there’s a lot of competition out there vying for the same spot that you’re aiming for.

Once you’ve found the right clinic and practice, how do you set yourself apart from the other dental nurse candidates, get your foot in the door, and then land the job? To help you out, here are some tips you can follow to boost your chances of getting hired:

1. Update and clean up your CV and profiles

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Your CV will be the first thing recruiters or dentists will see when you apply for a job at their clinic or practice. Some candidates make a mistake of submitting resumes that need updates in their address and phone number. While this doesn’t completely diminish your chances of landing the job if you have the right qualifications, it certainly takes off a few points, as a candidate that can’t be reached or found can’t be hired.

To ensure your CV hits the right marks, make sure it includes the following:

  • Job history – Include a list of all the jobs you have held within the last ten years along with your major duties and responsibilities, dates worked, and position title. You can omit roles that didn’t contribute significantly to your career.
  • Skillset – Dentists will need to know what skills you can contribute to his or her practice. This is the fastest way for them to see whether or not you’re fit for the job.
  • Significant accomplishments – Include a summary of your greatest achievements in your career. This will help you stand out from other applicants.
  • Personal profile – Otherwise known as a cover letter, this is a short summary of your qualifications and provides reasons why someone should consider your application.

Don’t forget to include your social accounts when you’re updating your CV. Potential employers will look at your LinkedIn profile almost immediately, so these should be updated regularly as well.

2. Know your strengths and how to mitigate your weaknesses

While this may seem a bit elementary, you’d be surprised to know how often job applicants walk into an interview without knowing how to articulate their strengths clearly. Being able to communicate what you can concretely do to help a company or practice will show hiring managers that you are a valuable asset.

3.  Do your research and determine your scope

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It’s only fitting that applicants who show up to interviews are prepared with knowledge about the company they are applying to. Not only does it show the recruiter that they came prepared, but it tells them that the candidate wants to work there!

Start by coming up with a list of companies you identify with. A good tip is to make sure your values are aligned with their approach and overall business goals. Find out everything you can about them from the resources you have at your disposal, such as their website, Facebook pages, and LinkedIn profiles. The more you know, the more confident you will be when you show up at the interview!

4. Your network is your most valuable resource

Job boards can show you what’s out there. It may look like there are a lot of options available, but thousands of other applicants who are looking at the same job post are probably thinking the same way. The chances of getting your foot in the door are very slim this way.

The best way for your application to get anywhere is to make use of your current network. Ask family, friends, and colleagues for help with any openings they may know of. Chances are they’ll even be able to endorse you—which at least gives you a better chance of getting your profile scanned through!


The best way to find and land a job as a dental nurse is to be prepared. Confident applicants who have done their research and know what they can contribute are more likely to stand out. Utilising your resources, such as the right recruitment platforms will help your chances of getting hired at just the right job.

Looking for dentistry jobs can be a challenge, especially for dental nurses in London. Dental Talent is a platform that offers a comprehensive solution to address the challenges of matching qualified talent to the recruitment needs of dentists. Connect with us today and find the job of your dreams with us!

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