Dental Talent – 7 Essential Interview Tips to Get That Dental Job

Now that you have impressed a company with your CV, it’s time for the interview process to begin. It’s natural to feel nervous at this point, but you need to focus on preparing for your interview to help you give your best shot. After all, you don’t always get a second chance at interviews; you either make it or not. Therefore, you need to make it worth your while.

Here are some interview tips to help you get that job:


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You need to know basic information about your potential employer. Therefore, spend some time researching. Go to their website and find out as much as you can and check their social media accounts. By doing so, you will be armed with the information you can use to provide the best answers to interview questions. You can also ask the HR department for a full job description so you’re aware of their ideal candidate.

Prepare Your Answers

Consider the type of question the employer will ask you and from there, prepare your answers. You can also look up common interview questions to get an idea. When you are prepared, you can come up with better answers that will reflect well on you.

Dress Smart

First impressions count, and they last! Ensure you are dressed appropriately for your interview, even if the company is known for its relaxed environment. It’s important you look smart!

Stay Focused

To have a good focus on the day of your interview, have a restful night and arrive at your interview 15 minutes early. You can also do a practice run to know precisely where you’re going. Take note of the transport routes and parking areas. Prepare your CV and any other supporting documents the night before.

Be Positive

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During your interview, carry an air of positivity with you. Smile, keep eye contact and show enthusiasm. Make the employer feel that you are confident you are the right person for the job. Keep in mind that this is your time, and maybe the only time, to sell yourself. Engage every person in the room, not just the person asking the questions. Also, make your answers clear and concise.

Ask Questions

Remember, an interview is a two-way process. So, aside from answering questions, you need to ask questions as well. When you ask questions, it will show the interviewer that you have done your homework and are truly interested in getting the job. One way to ask questions is through the form of confirmation. You can confirm you are joining a company with the right culture that suits you. It also won’t hurt to be prepared with additional questions you can ask at the end of the interview.

Be Confident

Finish your interview with confidence. Think about how you can leave a great impression and let the interviewer know you are interested in the job position. You can state your interest in the opportunity and ask about the next stage in the process. Smile and thank the interviewer for the time.


The interview process can be intimidating, but it’s a process you need to go through if you want a specific dental position. Therefore, these interview tips will help you stay relaxed and confident during the interview process. Who knows? You could get the job!

Dental Talent offers the best dental jobs in the UK. We provide a comprehensive solution to address the recruitment challenges that dentistry faces. Browse our job listings today.