When you’re applying for dental jobs, sometimes handing of a CV won’t be enough. In most dental establishments, you must present appropriate additional documents that will help you land the position you’re eyeing. And one of those documents is a letter of recommendation from your superiors.
Letters of recommendations are essentially written testimonies provided by trusted sources that could vouch for your skills and abilities to perform a task. These letters are important because it reassures your future employer you have the qualifications, skills, and attributes necessary for you to thrive in the position you’re applying for.
Although testimonies and recommendations play a vital role in job applications, many struggle to get this done right; the common problem is that most people don’t know how to ask for one in the first place. If you’re one of those people, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips that will help you acquire that glowing letter of recommendation that could ultimately make your employer say yes to you!
Tip #1: Ask for a Recommendation From the Right Person
It is understood that you shouldn’t ask someone to write you a recommendation letter if they haven’t spent enough time with you for them to be familiar with your work. While having a well-respected professor as one of your letters’ authors may be impressive, if they don’t know how you work, it may do you more harm than good.
People who aren’t familiar with your abilities may end up creating generic and lack-lustre letters, giving you lower chances of hearing back from the recruiter. To deal with this, only ask people you have seen your characteristics, talents, and skills — you’ll get that dental job interview call right away!
Tip #2: Don’t Demand Too Much and Ask Nicely
Once you’ve found someone to be your reference, you might want to avoid asking them to write your letter of recommendation. Why? Because asking someone to set time to answer calls and to write you a testimony may be too much for one person, especially if they’re reputable dental professionals. Instead, have an extensive array of sources that could vouch for your work.
Additionally, when you’re requesting a letter of recommendation, make sure you’re polite and ask nicely. Sending them a quick email won’t cut it; instead, begin by mentioning how much you enjoyed their class or working with them. Take time to create a letter that would make them more willing to set time and write a fantastic testimony about you.
Tip #3: Make It Easy For Your Source
Writing up a quality letter of recommendation can’t be done in a blink of the eye — it usually takes up a lot of time. To make this easier for the person you’re talking to, simplify the process by providing all the information they need to help them compose the testimony adequately without needing to do some research themselves.
For example, you can send them a copy of the job description of the position you’re applying for. This way, they’ll know which points to highlight and the qualities they’ll include in the letter.
The Bottom Line: A Quality Letter of Recommendation is a Collaboration Between You and Your Trusted Source
A letter of recommendation is more than just a letter telling the recruiter that you’re perfect for the dental job you’re applying for. It also shows your future employer what kind of relationships you have with your peers and superiors, giving them an idea of how you’ll be like in their establishment.
For this reason, make sure that you ask for a recommendation from someone who knows you, how you work, and your characteristics as a professional. This way, you’ll definitely pass all the requirements and interviews with flying colours!
Are You Looking For A Dental Job?
For any industry, looking for a job can be quite daunting, but it can be more challenging in the dental industry since the demand in the workforce can be quite high and competitive. Thankfully, DentalTalent has made it easy for dental practitioners to hunt for dental jobs and find the perfect one that suits their abilities.
The process is quite simple — all you need to do is register and start looking for the dental position best suited for you. And if you’re an employer, posting a job opening is quite simple as well. Register today and further your dental career with us!