Dental Talent – Our Strategic Guide to Help You Curate an Effective Dental Team – Part 2

Our Strategic Guide to Help You Curate an Effective Dental Team - Part 2

Hiring dental professionals to work for your team can be quite tricky, but knowing the right tips and strategies you can do to make the hiring process much easier is key to finding the right professionals.

Our last article mentioned a few tips that will help bring you one step closer to curating your dental dream team. Here are some of the tips we mentioned in our article:

  • Get serious about hiring;
  • Branch out to different channels;
  • Open to people without dental experience;
  • Interview more people.

If you need more tips, keep reading. We’ll be sharing more hiring tips that could help you through this tedious hiring process. And as a bonus, we’ll also share with you tried-and-true training tactics when you find the perfect dental talent. Let’s get to it!

1. Beat Your Competition

If you’re desperately in need of dental professionals for your team, it’s most likely that other establishments are on the hunt for new team members as well.

Because candidates can be snatched up quickly, you need to put your game face on and interview as many applicants as you can. You can do this by responding to an application within 24 hours upon receiving their application.

This way, the applicant will be more motivated to contact you, and you’ll be able to set an interview right away.

2. Make Sure They’re the Right Fit

yellow jigsaw puzzle piece
Photo by Ann H on

Sometimes, you may end up hiring the wrong person, and that’s okay — it’s completely normal. But it can be costly if you keep the wrong person in your team for too long.

A great way to gauge if the employee is a good fit is by giving them a probation window to see if they can handle your dental practice’s pressures and task.

This way, you’ll be able to save a lot of time and ensure that other members of your team can still work efficiently and productively.

3. Train Them Well

When you hire new dental professionals, your main goal is to help you succeed in your chosen field. And you can provide support by training them to help them flourish in your workplace. Having new employees shadow your current employees isn’t enough to help them become good at their new job.

4. Always Be On the Look Out for Great Candidates

One of the biggest mistakes managers make is wait for the last minute before beginning their search for dental talent. A great way to deal with your hiring process is by always being on the lookout for potential candidates and keeping them on your tabs.

This way, if you need to hire someone right away, you’ll have a list of potential applicants ready to be contacted. Keeping a list of applicants will help you save more time and won’t mess up your workflow.

Training Tips for New Employees

  • Give them an orientation and tour of their new practice space and work environment;
  • Complete all the training manuals and instruction videos for their job;
  • Partner them up with a mentor or a senior team member to help them perform tasks;
  • Split time between training and working so they can put their new skills and knowledge to practice.

The Bottom Line: The Hiring Process Isn’t Difficult, Especially With the Right Practices and Tools

As mentioned before, hiring people can be difficult, and this pandemic didn’t make it any easier. But now that you know our strategic tips in helping you hire dental talent, you’ll be able to curate an effective team as well as help them flourish in their chosen career in the industry.

How Can Dental Talent Help You?

The perfect dental professional is at the tip of your fingers; you just need to look for them at the right place.

Dental Talent is a recruitment platform for dental practitioners looking for dental professionals to join their team. Here, you can post a job opening and if you’re a candidate, sending an application is incredibly easy. Try our services today!

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