Professional Red Flags to Avoid for Your Next Dental Job

Professional Red Flags to Avoid for Your Next Dental Job

The dental profession is one that is fraught with opportunity. Not only are dental jobs in high demand, but they are also one of the most financially rewarding. In fact, orthodontist jobs are included in the list of the UK’s best-paid jobs in 2020 as they averaged £99,010 in annual earnings.

With that being said, it’s important to note that not all jobs are created equal, and you might even find yourself in a tricky predicament working as a dentist in the UK. However, there are ways to avoid this from ever happening.

In this article, we’ve prepared a list of three red flags that you should watch out for when you’re looking for your next dental job:

Low Fee Split

The first point you’ll want to look out for is a low fee split in your agreement. This is what will determine how much you make from your private dentistry work. A low fee split can drastically decrease your earnings in the long-term. Ideally, you’ll want to look for a fee split that’s at least 50% of the treatment fee. If you can afford to do so, it would be best to work for companies that offer fee splits below 50%.

Remember that the government pays private dental providers a certain amount for each Unit of Dental Activity (UDA). If the UDA is at £25, this means you’ll have to be paid at least £12.50 per UDA. Be sure to determine this value before signing any agreement. If the UDA is too low, be sure to negotiate and get it up to at least 50%. If this isn’t possible, you might just be better off looking elsewhere.

Insufficient Holiday Allowance

Being a dentist is one of the most stressful jobs anyone can have. Now, it’s important to understand that stress is a very serious matter because it can lead to a slew of different complications that can affect your personal and professional life. In fact, the World Health Organisation has deemed work-related burnout as an official medical diagnosis.

One of the best ways to avoid burnout is to take a break whenever needed. However, some companies are quite stingy when it comes to holidays and vacation days. As such, you’ll want to look for a company that provides paid vacation days without any form of drawbacks. That last part is crucial as some companies may give you vacation days in exchange for working weekends; avoid these types of offers as they’ll often nullify the number of vacation and holiday days given.

High Staff Turnover

High staff turnover is telling of the work culture at a certain dental practice. If the staff keeps leaving, it’s indicative of the work culture and conditions that they are subjected to. Other than that, high staff turnover also makes it difficult to work as a dentist.

Remember that good dentistry is due to a good dental team. Having an erratic cast of dentists, nurses, and dental staff can make it difficult to build cohesion in your practice. If you’re looking for orthodontist jobs, check out our listings on Dental Talent, as we offer full transparency for job seekers to help them connect with companies that offer the best working conditions.


Remember to keep all the information mentioned above in mind when looking for a dental industry job. Be sure not to rush into a job as you may end up regretting it in the long run. At the same time, always look for a company that will offer you fair wages, a good work culture, and the best chance at long-term success.

Are you currently looking for a job in the dental industry? Check out the listings posted for dentists in the UK on Dental Talent and take the first step towards your professional development today!

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